We have just celebrated Catholic Schools Week. Each day during the week we reflected on a special message that was read aloud to all classes on the intercom. On Wednesday, we celebrated Grandparents Day in the Infant classes and grandparents came in to visit the classes. Check out the photos below!
Some of our Senior classes attended mass in the Sacred Heart Church during the week. Mrs Howard and her Junior Infant girls wrote this lovely poem to celebrate Catholic Schools Week:
It is Catholic Schools week, A time to celebrate That God loves us so much, He thinks that we are great! Jesus taught us to show love, He gave one important rule, And if we can keep it, We'll have a friendly school! 'Treat others the way you want to be treated', Is what Jesus said. Before you doing something unkind,
Remember the rule instead!
They performed the poem at Junior assembly on Thursday and you can see them perform it here: