Our fifth classes were delighted to head off on their school tour to Tramore where they ventured on their very own Seashore Safari. Declan, the bus driver brought us to the Oceanics Surf and Marine Education Centre where we met our guides Jai and Rhea. From there we went to the rockpools and we looked for some of the sea creatures we had in our fish tanks earlier this year!
The girls got nets and buckets and had a great time catching nearly all of the sea creatures that they had met last October! They got some Blennys, Sea Scorpions, Sea Anemones, Crabs, Shrimp and much more! Don't worry all the catches were released on the day!
While at the beach they took full advantage and also created their own sea art, sandcastles and played lots of games too!! The chips, sausages and nuggets were a real high point, finishing off a wonderful trip to the beach.